Erlend Øye & La Comitiva - La Comitiva
Erlend Øye & La Comitiva „La Comitiva": In a small town like Siracusa, Italy, socialising is mostly done in people’s homes and consists of: buy ingredients for a meal, make the meal and talk, eat the meal and talk, get the instruments and sit around the table and play and sing for hours. Erlend plays a ukulele, Marco plays nylon string guitar, Luigi plays cavaquinho, a Brazilian samba instrument, and Stefano plays “bass” on the same steel string guitars that Erlend uses with Kings of Convenience. The band became professionalised during a 2018 tour through Chile, Argentina, Colombia and Mexico. During that tour, many of the band’s original songs came to be, such as Altiplano, the arrangement of which took place in a dusty border crossing station between Chile and Perú.